you’re not just a player in the game.
you’re the one redefining the rules.

— Linette Montae

Legacy Influencer®

I am best Trusted Strategic Confidante in the world at curating Happy, Healthy & Wealthy strategies for highly-accomplished trailblazers!

Whether you desire more freedom to enjoy the luxuries of success, more time to indulge in a leisure lifestyle, or more alignment with the power of your feminine…

Imagine having a private strategic confidante to help you filter options, evaluate decisions, and keep you focused and on track…

⚜️ someone with 3 decades of experience who sees your personal and your professional self from a holistic objective perspective

⚜️ someone who can provide confidential guidance, encouragement, and accountability

⚜️ someone strong enough to hold space for your mastery, bold enough to speak hard truths… and confident enough to champion you to your best.

When you are in a position of great power, having a trusted ally can significantly impact your ability to pivot with sound insight to consistently achieve the Happy, Healthy AND Wealthy lifestyle you truly desire!

Redefining the rules is my purpose. Transforming the present and impacting the future is my legacy!

I believe highly-accomplished women can be Happy, Healthy & Wealthy…
superwoman cape no longer desired!

— Linette Montae

VIP Retreat Experience

Shed the “shoulds” and redefine Happy, Healthy, and Wealthy on your terms. Immerse yourself in a bespoke experience to shed what no longer serves you, and cultivate genuine fulfillment and the harmonious lifestyle you desire. #Hybrid

Sage Connect

Strategic insights via direct text access for founders and CEOs who have elevated beyond extensive coaching but desire sage guidance at crucial moments for a looming decision, quick strategy pivot, or business-related question. #Virtual

Walk & Talk Coaching

An innovative fusion of wellness and business guidance for high-level entrepreneurs to increase mental clarity, gain new insights, solve complex challenges, and access your highest creative potential. Limited to 1 slot per weekday. #Virtual

you’re not just a player in the game.
you’re the one redefining the rules.

— Linette Montae